

The Pool of Wisdom

It is through Wisdom that we relate to the Divine. Wisdom is of the heart, not the mind. Wisdom is not the same as knowledge, because knowledge is of the mind. Knowledge is learned through language and reason, definition and analysis, and life experience. Wisdom is akin to Love, Faith, Beauty – it lies beyond our rational mind in the realm of intuition and spirit, those neglected aspects of human nature in our modern technological society.

Pool of Wisdom

If we envision Wisdom as a pool of water of infinite depth, we can use this image to help us draw closer to the Divine. By drinking from this sacred pool, we alleviate the thirst we suffer from living in the desert of this scientific, technological age, and gain sustenance for our souls which seek union with the Divine. We first must find this Pool of Wisdom. It may be readily found nearby or it may be hidden, covered by undergrowth and weeds from long neglect, or it may be in an inaccessible place where we will need guidance and teamwork to aid us on our quest.

Once we have found the Pool of Wisdom, we realize that we need a container to bring forth the water for our use. Fortunately, there are many containers available to those who seek to quench their thirst from the Pool of Wisdom. Every religion and spiritual community has containers for our use: these are the symbols and images that “hold” the living water of Wisdom for us. Some containers are very plain and simple like a tin cup or glass jar; others may be very ornate and complex like a cut glass vase or art glass pitcher. The great variety of containers has the same function, however – they are meant to be used to draw the water from the sacred Pool of Wisdom.

We can use our minds to analyze, describe, and categorize the variety of containers that are found in each religion, but we must actually drink the water in order to quench our spiritual thirst. When we partake of this water of Wisdom, we realize that its essence is the same regardless of the outer container.

In order to drink of the water of Wisdom, however, our container must be intact and functional. Containers that have broken or that have simply outlived their usefulness will not be able to help us drink of this living water. This is the situation that many of us find ourselves in today: we need new, viable containers with contemporary shapes and designs that will serve us better in our modern world. We in the ChristoSophia Community are working with those spiritual artisans within the Christian tradition who are creating new containers that express the union of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine. We are joining together to open many of the spiritual streams that have been dammed up such as Christian Gnosticism, Celtic Christianity, the Christian Kabbalah, and Sophianic spirituality, so that these streams may once again flow strongly into the Pool of Wisdom. The new containers are readily available to those whose containers have been broken, lost, or thrown out, so that the living water may continue to be drawn forth in our current age.

We look forward to having a dialogue of the heart with all of you who are seeking to obtain the divine essence from the Pool of Wisdom.

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Wisdom is akin
to Love, Faith,
Beauty – it lies beyond
our rational mind
in the realm of intuition
and spirit, those
neglected aspects of
human nature in our modern technological society.